November 5-8, 2018
January 20, 2019
February 10, 2019
March 10, 2019
March 30, 2019
April 6 and 7, 2019
April 11, 2019
April 14, 2019
April 27, 2019
Workshop of Pressenza / MADRID
2nd World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace
Giornalisti indipendenti e attivisti, l’urgenza di fare rete – Esperienze e dialoghi per raccontare il presente e proiettarsi verso un altro futuro / MILAN
Arci Bellezza
Giornalisti indipendenti e attivisti, l’urgenza di fare rete – Esperienze e dialoghi per raccontare il presente e proiettarsi verso un altro futuro / ROMA
Città dell’Altra Economia, Largo Frisullo
(R)évolution vers une société humaniste? - Expo photo, projection d'un film, et débat : Lanceur d'alerte et liberté de la presse / BORDEAUX - Cinéma UTOPIA Bordeaux
5 place Camille Jullian, 33000 Burdeos
5 place Camille Jullian, 33000 Burdeos
SATURday, APRIL 27th, 2019

In this time of big change, individuals, institutions and society are in crisis. Change is accelerating and so are individual, institutional and social crises, which are causing upheavals that affect large sectors of the human race.
What we see in Europe and all over the planet is that the old world is decomposing while a new world has not been imagined.
«It seems that to change things, the EU, as we know it, should deny itself, but can an unelected administrative establishment, in the service of oligarchic interests, carry out such an exercise from Brussels? [...] How can a citizenry, the people, intervene in the European framework if European citizenship and the European people do not exist?».
Rafael Poch de Feliu - Ctxt
A multitude of new movements are emerging that express their desire to build another world.
From the municipalities, a path of action has been opened up that is very different from the one marked by the anti-humanist policies disconnected from the social base.
To create the conditions for a new common direction, we need to make ourselves visible.
It is not the first time that humanity has reached an impasse with no apparent solution, in contrast, by appealing to its best attributes, humanity has been able to overcome these critical moments.
We want to shape what is diverse, to have the sum of small initiatives and to create broad fronts. Diversity is not the drawback but the power of a new world to imagine.